Solar Pool Heating Basics
Solar pool heating is the most cost-effective use of solar. Because water in pools is usually kept at about 80°F, the collectors are typically low-cost, low-temperature, unglazed panels made of polypropylene copolymers. UV inhibitors and antioxidants are integrated into the copolymer to make the panels resistant to ultraviolet rays and to oxidation due to pool chemicals & environmental factors. These have a much higher efficiency when they only need to heat large volumes of water a few degrees. Pool collectors will typically last from 12 to 20 years, more than two or three times the life of a gas heater, electric heater, or swimming pool heat pump.
The basic components of a solar pool system are solar pool collectors, automatic control, check/ ball valves, mounting kits, strap, and associated schedule 40 PVC pipes that are simply added to the existing pool pump, timer, and filter.
Solar pool panels are susceptible to ambient temperature and wind, which can cool the panels. To prolong the heat in the pool, a pool cover or blanket is recommended as well as a “no wind” location where the panels can absorb the most sun (southern exposure). The panels can be roof-mounted or ground mounted.