Converters and Controls

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Isolated, Regulator, 9-18V to 12.5V, 8A
Price: $139.00
Isolated, Step-Up, 9-18V TO 24V, 4A
Price: $139.00
Isolated, Step-Down, 20-35V TO 12.5V, 8A
Price: $139.00
Isolated, Step-Down, 30-60V TO 12.5V, 8A
Price: $139.00
Isolated, Step-Down, 30-60V TO 24V, 4A
Price: $139.00
Isolated, Step-Up, 9-18V TO 24V, 8A
Price: $157.00
Isolated, Step-Down, 20-35V TO 12.5V, 16A
Price: $160.00
Isolated, Step-Down, 30-60V TO 12.5V, 16A
Price: $160.00
Isolated, Step-Down, 30-60V TO 24V, 8A
Price: $160.00
AGS, For Conext XW, XW+ and SW, RNW865106001
Price: $184.00
Isolated, Regulator, 9-18V TO 12.5V, 30A
Price: $308.00
6kVA, 120/240VAC, 60Hz with Enclosure, Cooling Fan and 25A Dual-Pole Breaker
Price: $880.00
6kVA, 120/240/208VAC, 60Hz with Enclosure, Cooling Fan, 25A Dual-Pole Breaker and Relay Assembly
Price: $916.00